The Three Banners of Sanity
Wasteland Vol I
The tavern
There are people
Who droop their watching faces. Melting clocks
I see their lips drip dry.
Hugging an angular remote control
A frozen beer mug
Falling forward
Hugging ghosts
I saw it.
The old man whose wrinkles
Seemed to be formed from a life time of frowning.
At the back: on the darkest chair in the darkest corner
Coughing like a steam engine chugging,
And the spittoon resounds by the pellets of phlegm.
He wears a brown cardigan and has yellow fingernails, holding the incense of cigarette
After cigarette.
What a kind, blue eyed old man.
He waves the glass pourer over.
And he is two men
And always is, it seems
Never the same old man
Parlor music waltzes in mid air,
Spinning and gliding
Above cackling whips of fire burning
The barman steps into the old man’s bull ring
The boxing corner
Taking a breather
Through boulevards of slot machines
And pin ball rackets
Cracked shells of peanut and glass
Crunch under the souls
Of discount leather loafers
The Matador’s sawdust slippers
Wrapped around him
The penguin nun
The shield:
The apron of splashed ketchup
And pea soup.
He flips open his notepad
And answers the call
‘a golden ale from the horn’
Said the blue eyed old man
And the barman just stood there and melted
Tipping the glass
Ticking the clock
Two thousand years ago
On the other table
Three kings sit
Under bright lights laughing
The dominant one slaps his hand on the table
To easily punctuate the conversation
And cunningly draw their eyes to his every word
The gates of lip open a flood
They hang on it as if off a cliff
And don’t look down
Though the marble maiden sits on the tall doll house bar stool,
With sparkling scaled legs
Wagging her tail
Lost siren at sea
Bearing gifts
Tempting the circle of talkers
Welcoming the wandering wordsmiths
Smacking her chap lips
She sang the siren song
As if to herself
And the yellow eyes come from their dark corners
The bullrings
And the boxing gloves fly off
The kings drop their swatters
Somewhere along the bar
Another man pulls back his cracked lips
To reveal droplets of rotting teeth and frozen gums.
The impostor!
He coils in to hug a vomit pile
Of choker pips
The Three Kings hiss
The impostor retreats.
“sorry” he smiles
Ticking the clocks
The barman’s eyes roll up
From under his lids
Pouring a golden Niagara
Through a water tap
He sees
-Hunched over jackets self imploded into bubbles on woodwork
-Rosy cheeks slurping up soup like a puffin fish
Her greedy smile warms the frozen fingers,
Now stretching out to stroke her
There is the exotic despotic looking muse
The temptress
Who one is always braving to stare at
Turning her blistered toes in her sweet smelling leather boots
Long naked thighs,
As gargoyle slurping sippers sit there and sigh
The friends gathered round: nonsense on stilts
As they giggle
With crew cuts,
Razor sharp and slick
The clit clippers
Titter and jitter
Above them: the silver box
Where the cross used to hang
Everyone must sacrifice
The droning fuzz
And steady static
And zooming hours of television hounds
Farting out the news, coliseum games,
But no one pays any attention at all
‘All steady movement
Glowing from the bottomless cushioned crevices
Where there seems to be no end in their plush bends’
Said the unknown
And though the chatter never slows down
And the mutters never turn sideways smiles from frowns
And all the eyes stay glued on flies splattered along the walls
And framed pensioned poets
Like the knights of knowledge smoked candidly on rows of still photographs
Everyone gaping
Inhaling warmth in a blur of momentum
Swallowing oceans of hours and never remembering a thing
But all the while the unknown sees:
Heeled comforted main roads of pleasure
Through revolving bathroom doors
Drawing their guns and shooting wild Indians
And Cackles and grins.
Swaying of hair swings
Next morning
I’ll ask ‘Who will remember?’
The spinning bottles on wet wood floorboards
The empty chairs,
I asked ‘Who will remember?’
Waving hands
And frail aging fingers
Drinking the juice of chaos
Spinning and pointing both forwards and backwards
And blaming both those you can’t touch and you can
But can’t punch like a bullfighter
Waving ribbons of red
For present actions and failures
Waving hands
And frail fingers
Pointing both forwards and backwards
Forwards and backwards
I saw a small boy
Pointing down the side of the tarmac road where howling wheels
Turn both forwards and backwards
My mind glows to the intensity of a thousand revolutions
Hot red coils
And I hope it is taking us closer
And the bull gets left to run out of the stadium into the hot Spanish Granada rolling hills
To chase the sun
The heat heaves a heavy heart
One that I know possesses the weight of virtue
From the top of the hill
Blurted out opinions through ten thousand and one telescopes
That’s what’s wrong.
And you need someone plain spoken to say it.
Modern times
Hidden in when I wish to turn myself out.
Out and up and inside out
Further from those homeward bound
And questioning stillness and motion alike
Chopping the head off of certainties’ pike
I can see the dancer in the dark
Spinning its soul
Bursting the walls
Its brittle bricks of
And hollow halls
What a chapland, so I’ll clap this open trap
Remember what I said about warmth?
The cosy glowing tavern….
The halfway house
The halfway house
To passers by
Small buildings don’t register
Out of the slick muck
I saw mama chuckle
Waving her firm hand with the whistle of wind,
Blanketing the infinite landscape to a hug
Of corn shoots and limp weeds
With her feathered free hand to the tuneful breeze
To mama nothing registers
An image fell at my feet when I walked out this morning
An over exposed photograph
Bright white
Snowed in houses
The eye dreams or pierces the dream
My circum circuit mind is gone, far off, through some wave in the distance
And snowflakes dance a Russian tango falling
Up. And then down.
And all the silhouettes of houses and veiny branches seem like props
In the soup of swirling snow
The eye cuts from dream to focus
The dancers waddle as individuals
Some form into flocks of birds and then disperse together
Before they rest and melt
Everything passes, everything changes
Just do what you think you should do
But the only way to understand the expanse
Once battlefields for firecracker soldiers
Now the box for ribboned highways
And carefully placed houses
Like ships in a bottle
They’re my day dreaming oddity
Like houses on the board of a monopoly
Sitting still and unhinged
Ready to be wiped away by the brush of a hand
There: ancient relics of modern times
In an expanse vaster
A thousand times wiser than the giddy pin point pricks
I’ve seen the sky and the earth blend into one loud voice
Leading the heart before the head
The imagination before reality
Over the flat valleys and pastures
Over and over one another
Laughing green laughs of giants
Louder and louder
The bakery on the corner, closing down
Laughing and moaning
The power plant puffing its chimney ramp
The cloud maker
People never look around, up or down
The grey sky grows black and snow studded stars
Blink and wink down on people
As they laugh and swim in delussion through
The soft beating snare of realities’ hapless careless loveless life affair
Warehouses spread like butter on gravel bread
The last bastion of things
Laughing and sobbing
Over. Forests black as the owl’s howl
Trees thin as thread
A gently woven patchwork
Enter: the laughing giant
Stepping clumsily over frozen mud hills
And trips
By the sleeping tramp of gnarled roots
The fine thin angelic hairs
Ripping the nerve from all beneath our feet
Wet wind of winter
Jagged hail of January, starring out from inside
Scattered birds of spring
Starring out from inside
Slowly tilting
The giant falls,
Dumbly waving big hands through the seasons
To brace his fall
And he lands thick in the fields of melted brown honey
The impact rumbled the thumb sucking wanderers
Out of their sockets
Flowing through the roads
From homes, towns and cities
Traveling far
Passed rows of houses
Born on the same day and dressed in the same way
Dotted trees of likeness
Circled by cages
Ravens crowing and croaking on equidistant lamp posts
Black light with yellow beaks
Passed expansive reaching fields
Cemeteries of friends from past lives
Highways too fast for reflection
Roads too small for imagination
They travel with tools, rulers, microscopes, blood pumps, cameras, telephones, pocket pens
Film reels, starched shirts, sling shots, government charts, newspaper snippets, statistics
Summarizations, knives and forks.
Around this sunken giant they crowd
And the moon has turned its back on them
They pester and probe with thick sticks and things
In the dim sight of blue light
Some grinning and pointing between swigs of gin
Mud boots squelching in the brown honey sea
Still slimy from eye drops of the 5 day dead giant
“Hey, I could measure his toe” said the cackle whip antelopes
“what a novel idea!” said the headless bull
And they all crowd around his toe and watch the empire state ruler stretch miles along the nail
“yep, that sure is a golly gosh” said the rooster to the chicken
And now it’s pandemonium
They’re clapping and yapping
As the ravens croak
And the vultures
Right down
To the bone
And summer’s mud thickens
And soon they are stuck sticks
With telephones and statistic charts
From which they make paper boats
And swim out
Paddling quickly
Through the rain clouds of muck
With their forks and knives stuck
For better measure and a better life
For lovers lost and lust in sight
Someone’s gotta get it right
I’m sat somewhere low
By some window, somewhere out there
I can sense the rift has gaped for air and swallowed nothing
Old bones of a four story home
Tight lipped wagging fingers and high strung intellectual fixtures that don’t mean nothing in the face of life and death
It don’t quite fit with the rivers of propositions, streams of dreams, spun by cunning spinsters.
And so tighter and more thoughtful
Coiling and spinning
Until bursts and springs of electricity shoot from the fountains of years
Years from the watchtower
All walled convictions crumble one day
A boyhood dream: to run naked through the house ripping all the books of answers off the shelves
Dancing on them
The hedonist!
Replacing them with books of questions
Masters slips his long fingers under the dress of presumption and pull the dress down
And if all men and women were naked under the hot sun
Well what then?
I wanted to play loud
The kind of place where it wouldn’t matter what one said due to wax clogging their ears
Guilty of guilt!
Frills and long robes of silk
Feathered hats from pheasant traps
Jests and courts of cards
The ace of diamonds slid long across the stone floor
And lost motion before the gaping mouth and the dead eyes of laughter
Whose trap tongue rolled over motes of bile,
Licking games into his jagged mind of memory
What was then was Now. Now. And then there after.
It’s all about now you see?
Hereis now. Where. Not after. Before. But now!
And moments stumble over each other, chugging like a hacking lagging box
A car train-one I’ve never seen but only imagined. Chug. Chug. Chug
Just like that.
Spiraling between his thumb and index finger
Pointing up
A web for after, hurled far
Out. Down. Down. Down. No sound on the edge of town.
Biding time. Biting time. Gnawing time
Taking all the clocks and sending them swimming til their tic slows
No faster!
And then stop
Chaos was not presented to me by the trees turning inside out, bark to velvet. Not snow set aflame. Gasoline and the horse mane flare dancing and romancing in the midnight air. Kaboom.
Not a hundred armies of elephants descending from heaven to hand me a a cherub dove set free on a pre-paid insanity spree rubbed hot like rube charcoal rocks. Melting clocks
Ha!…that’s alllllll I rembember. Wooooeee: melting clocks!
Chaos was handed to me when all built up hours and down.
Principles of fist pounds, face frowns, crooked eyebrows burned out-thrown out-all we try to control can get taken back as fast as we slowly stacked our racks by the bending motion of crane like backs:
Up and down- and sometimes it’s fine and sometime’s it'a not
'it aint enough I heard someone shout!'- like a whoosh-all things zoom by too soon.
Chaos was handed to me when the man
Wiped his windshield
When the field didn’t move
The wind blowed
The lights lit
And out
And on
With the sound of a rush
Waiting, edging for the earth to unhinge itself
And that is where I begin:
Where reality fails, imagination prevails
Wasteland Vol I (Extra Stirs)
A Typical Sunday
a born road reels from the red light
some son is told what to do
and by night time
the same line
seems to fall on his head
to remind him
that all things are predefined
So falls the red light
revisits him on the same road
that he turned to when going home
Offered by the prophets of coincidence
That call him the postman
it's the same in the end
To pursue the answers and come back dragging
a sagging bag of letters
sent off by others
rich in expression
the news in question
from gifts to gas bills payed
'i payed the gas bill!'
'You better have payed the gas bill!'
The droning work man slams his hand on the can
by his side hand
I point up and smile thinking:
you brought me here and furthermore I'm bored
like an underpaid pompadour
with dirty claws
and hollow eyes and empty paws
It's one thing to try out of courage and another thing to try out of fear
one thing to pursue for survival and another thing to pursue out of confusion
All the while he's half nude in his childhood bedroom
do you dig mr big wig in swigs of gin sminking?
Do you see the tempered traps set up by us
as if framing our faults
a Rembrandt with all cracks exposed?
A long swipe of grey paint
a swill in the sum of things?
Day Dreaming in the Bedroom
I was born of a dreamy nature
and perched like a titan
on heights
I never fought for
Always clocked in at the clink of iron ink, dripping from
the drifting clouds
just sitting
I sat by the window pane washer
watching ripples of rain water
written in trees
words of white winter
whispering mother
'i'm coming home'
words like splinters!
words of mad cats in his dress hat relaxed
offering to show you his cards as a tax
he's been tucked in for so long!
laughing now like a overpaid clown
long gone
sold away surely to the slave trades or something
damn teddy bears
can't count on them to defend anything...
burping bubbles of rubble
Sky faced watching nature unfold itself
Breathing balloons
the latex gloves off
underground cover
discovery's proverbs
and nifty neon blue lights
electric midnight marmite
my favorite color
cus you can't taste it
it's beyond a color
in to another
false essence
say yes to your bother bound lover
full of mercury and magnesium sounds
a silvery sleek shot of life
I open my eyes and say
yes yes yes
I can when i fight!
When he Came To
So were the workings of my mind
marveling at the moving leaves.
The trench of tinkering toys
zipping on the carbon rails
the viceroy and general funneled together
with orders sent by the captain
near the romanian border
for valiant purpose to out bomb the enemy
and who were these built by?
our enemies are but humans in disguise
and always I am asking why?
to defend myself from the tassel of tongues tied
trying to teach me how to talk
though I see it all in one drop
I rattled the tassels off and figured I'd figure out my own way to walk
The Dream From Sunday Through Monday Morning
what past humped prods who could not answer
what good to refer me to the phonebook of pheasants in flowery tulip dresses
fretted forward and upturned noses in frozen poses
a nymph mare, with rabbit fur
many mighty whores wreaked of wayward riches
only the miracles of madmen would make them in to monsters
when i ask why!
Why am I thrown off the flying dreams
Why am I shown the dust of illusion?
to the landscape perhaps
I am always referred to the gates
but when I ask why one gate
how is it I'm referred to the next?
So it is with the world we're given
the grid iron gates we're living in
the growths of gut guilt
but boy can we see through it
Freely we'll chew it
the metallic muzzles
but broken bars bright bursts
in blankets uncovered
in short summer lovers
Thoughts of Gypsy Dreams Classroom
Ancestors answered with songs in their throngs
Gypsy gongs ringing in rilling bird songs
crackling camp fires
open the eyes once closed with black lines
and dots made divine
from charcoal and liver
stirred softly swimming in
Stories rolled quickly off minds
slipping softly
gang jingo jiggling
one song of longing
one song of dirges
burst from the purges
of urges disturbed in
a tale of tried tested
human flesh wounded
consumed by the blue jewels
hungered to prove
it's worthless to use us
the looseness' is beauty
'The greatest kings can but hold the greatest jewels! He can but see the greatest jewels'
'The beggar in the crowd watches the king pass by on a horse,
he can but stretch out to touch the greatest jewels and he can but see the greatest jewels'
What is the difference in value?
both the king and the beggar
can only see and touch
and the elaborate process by which
they arrived at the possession of the action
was but a dance of distraction
the children laugh
where the grandmother removes from her satchel
powder and cut feathers
and throws them in to the fiery urn
and in mad laughter watches them burn
pass on to prove that
silent tongues move
to praise those in use
to pass on their hunger from hatred to love
from clinging to laughing
and grabbing to giving
All gypsies now sing together
with the open faced bread and sweet oils hereafter
'Musta been a magic trick'
quick kid quips with the thump of a stick
then I'd never have offered
or instead I never would have suffered
this is a song of love after all, is it not?
to witches of Cuzco, is it not?
the fifth rapped hand that breathed down your neck shirt
To villains of valleys and kings and to beggars, is it not?
Psychics in co-ops, palm reading the hand of a hot shot
pog washes squashed in shook suitcases, is it not?
Skeptics with scepters
dead iron bears
over intellectualizers
not to dare to drop their dresses
and dream a little.
Dare not to dig through their meshed manly hair
shrouds n kibrahns
n' kissing their brothers
all their brothers!
of silky blue black and entangled colors
belched and blotched doves of the window wide world
with smooth red curved porsches ironed by llorca
waiting outside
for the sidekick
mind tricks
only vanity will drive him in
with the cart of his choosing
The Goal Post Gita
For the wise man walks
carries his temple on the balls of his feet
if that's what works
best for him
It's good for all
after all
Now there's no rush to get to the antique's museum
to oggle over long eye lash paintings
left me fainting to fall in to faith
another attempt at the assassins game
of something saintly
from stale mate to stately
left in alienation at the flicking light wading
packing the wood block and watching others pass by the factory clock watch
Dragging your dank dungarees to the sea salt
offering your clothes
I ask
is it too much see man naked again?
I see it now! i was born with a springing singing shroud at tense times
told to try twice the amount that I tried
trapped and tickled at once
but about after 10, 000 push ups a day and a victory van that carried the courtesy past its stale stalling gaze
feigning the duchess to caress the addressees and impressed to turn to me fletching
shooting the shards in stings burning louder
and now carried by a body of a better one still there
and finally
now seeing and believing
then seeing,
breathing's releasing
breathing's believing
so seemingly seeming
In the Arcade
The elvis pelvis gyrations of the sirens kind placement
sucked in the syrup
the simple string of gaudy electronics
and easy answers
gurgled in bubblegum thrones
tossed on the road side
roman relics despised in passing for a dollar worth snatching
the tourist board seeks to enliven
reticent world
wrap me in your botched christmas blanket
jump me in her
get me in there
the warmth of wise
worldly ones
the mind of mad men
shouldered on women
yes men
what moves your striving?
your desires?
what would you be without your admirers?
what's it worth without love?
what worth is love without giving? If you have love and don't give it. You have nothing at all.
stringless stranded soul drivers
dummed and dulled
dogs of the tooth hounds
dreading of death
show me your wonder
bring a princess to the hesitant man
and watch his pants drop
After a Long Drive in the Rain: Home Again: In Trains of Thought
Some where out there
again still looking
the yes of iron
the no of towers
apathy awnings
oblong, limp, lacking, lethargy, yours
spirit of the age
life is the trainer of death
life is the trainer of your ecclesiastical saintly explosive passing
with bright rays of light and convolutions of conscience
death is the summation of life
and well lived
it's atomic
and short lived
it's a lulling
Here's some homework for every darling:
(anytime dry as the door itself-or soaked in a wet wind)
am I living or am I dying?
See it's two ways of looking at the same thing
is life a process of living?
or is it a process of dying?
like the given up mad eyes of the women by the Ganges
sitting by the banks
and the funeral pyres
watching their future
go up in fire
Visions of edith pilafs voice trembling out of tone
sweetened surrender
strong and shot straight from the soul
whisky washed tender
humans are but birds in drag
long and living
je me sens fou d'amour!
je m'en fou en plus de trop penser de tout!
Don't you know it's the life of the soul?
the life!
yes the clown that sings the song
the strong bond needs no proof
it's just let go from the get go
shut your eyes in surrender
swim in it
Hearing harem circus songs in the park
and jangling merry go rounds
Married in a month from now
toy kids with guns
lunging white balls, black balls, baseballs bright and beautiful now.
La tempteuse de triomphe
triptych triangular
her dance steps
stir the stream of silk
sometimes wishing
she'd stay forever
Boredom after the Orgasm
So unenthused
so unmoved
the pantry of politicians
pushing prerogatives
catering careers
it ain't right that those on the steeple should be making money from the people
Birds I View
All houses stacked on globules of rafters
trapped on top of each other
great gift of steal mills
silver bars for impious people
mangled in shackles
of sultans
the shimmying kind
for new projects
buildings up shooting
erections for pride past in paper pound mounds
mountains locked in the lull of limp life
though to hear the town roar
to remain impartial
I don't believe there is anything I can truly add or take away from it all.
Just a simpleton wayfaring round the water ways
wrapped in shrouds stuck for hours in time
hands clasped to images erased and rewinded
not flicks
nor of loss
no beliefs anymore
no knowings
no convictions
no dressed to defeat
no liquid
no water
no wavering
no sobbing
or making walls around visions
it's a hard way to fish
Wasteland Vol II
Nine thousand knives line the length of the boulevard
wordless of wanton wasters waving hats held in halo sheathes of bermuda pink paper,
wild rafts and sunset seeds,
wrapped up black fur bunnies on the backyards of subways, sold by a counterfeiter.
Grinning at his tin cup.
Shaking shudders slam the clasped cut in the canyon crack.
The foreskin of earth trimmed, caroused the cold window wide of whimsical smiles, struck now sideways,
now upwards, to the windows dressed in diamonds, inclusive then exclusive, cramped in hearths of rugs
Japanese wood cuts, on vertical wave white washed along the wayside, within the walls, wails,
warbles of a Japanese sushi strip mall
The Greeting of the Meeting
Everyone arrives.
Rolls in right on time.
To take the city
clambered to the thousand
little trembling ticks that talk of time passing
and the long locked love lost
amalgamation of ostriches
running rivieras,
cars crouching to the outing
tiger striped beasts
beating the breadth of dreams
with their chattering teeth
some slouched in the still life streams
So this is how you do it?
but so many trying-for money and more
where the world woke up to wailing
Widen the quaking, blue breath breathes better this way
at ease
still surrounded by
steal senile streets,
dimples dressed on pink skin flushing
in shingles of sunset brimming
by the italian canal loud as a dirty mouth
camilla and vanilla clogs the cartouche of ten pharaohs rooms
Bring up the band,
hang the hand on a cross, cuticle curtailed to beautiful windows waving
about any point now the walls will break in
In a Small Village Anywhere
ten towers took the thunder
clams are cluttered inside the rudder of shuddering weather
Why the waves of tumbling leather from white urns warmed the clever
the shedding letter after letter, dust turned to deserts, bramble home cover
sunset and coffee
stories to warm us
craggily eggs
carouse the cream climate and the steel lime, bench breathes the time in silence,
counting store clerks tied to cash jerks, but simply smiling, put in the island of eyes in lightening shot down, thunder striking
new world arriving, summer ripening, words rowing their waythrough time,
charged and condensed for mouths taste like lime
tilting and smiling
In a Small City Somewhere
4th floor phone call, broken first step of stone struck like the totem comb, to teeth leading sideways streets
red buds bursting by the breath of a new tree, winter gone now, no need to hinder health or harness homes for squirrels squawking at the new world.
Why our world whizzes in quizzes caught in cough tricks, calamity clicks somehow whipped in
Wake up Call Before the Waking
Be careful
Is always my thinking: careful of what you contribute
but when you do
don't hesitate
It has all been said I think to myself
what is worth knowing has been known, and what is worth expressing, and the height of expression has been expressed
But the whispers of the past say: it must be expressed better and quicker and softer,
with all our life and all you know.
Say it again: for your friends if anyone,
for the culture you come through,
the climate you rummage
the diamonds discovered
from mantras to magic
to stories
to lanterns in dark city landscapes
to the constant humdrum long sun shot through the shining shingling stone rooms.
Say it to anything that has tights or buttons on them. let them loose, burst the noose
and the kids from the strapped booths claws and with clutches
will shake at the sound of your talking
what's most shaking's liberating
Walking in to Stranger Worlds
By night he went to dream,
and danced upon the damsels open mouthed
and demoting
what waded in the water.
blue balled feat, the shingling sleep
on lilly lights
and stalagmites
You're a flute player!
Please pay the piper!
Play me a tune!
And below the frogs
with teeth are gnashing
waiting for his fall,
reminding themselves
it's dinner soon
They hunch around talking
'my favorite food's indian'
'though nothing's more filling than a big donna donna'
Uninspired carrots.
A frog in the corner gnawing on a 'hoki', auctioned fresh from Grammy's
at many bob a fool's fine finger.
The cave is cold
the paws are clammy
crouching in their caves
Painter's sermon on the wall gazing unconvincingly
By measure of the stars passing
(believed by the Mohammedans to be lightning which is darted by the angel watchers, at those demons which approach
too near the gates of paradise)
by measure of the thunder
by measure of the laughter
why was the blue baby dancing?
still from one leaf to another
shy lock a looking in the water,
ripples from the rain water
disaster pouring from the ether
The mirror cracked again:
who's this baby staring bright
his red lips parting still
the beasts are crawling from the clouds
now barking from the hills aloud
The one eyed goat with hand stitched stripes
staring at the waves igniting
So it seems the crabs are crawling backwards
to the sea again.
We are Alone Together & Everything that Makes Up This World
There was wind
there was rain
there were mountains
drawn on the window frame
There were bird songs dressed in dreams of death
awoken to an under path
There were clouds clasped
kind of round the towers running wells and pools of showers
In between this post and after
one striped red and one striped black
blurred in between purrs
of prowling praline
ogres stirring
clinched the night owl's yellow crow
and burps of moon dog stars shot blue
bathed in gas lights
wavering quivering
snake sight
tongue hiss
bight of the lamp light
Porch with the brittle brace
come in denizens dust of the patter of fireflies
come in shot glass shot gun slashes
On the wall the tall taxidermist bull had to growl
purring for hours straight!
stared it straight in the face
didn't flinch one bit
Claws shelved on racks of books
probably best not to look
The brook bights soft scratches
catching matches set with fire
round the holy banks to hold them
Nigh near the whisperer
kissed in bliss
whether it be 4000 years
ago or in the future
the same voice sleeps in power and calling out to take time talking
or turning and churning our bright sickles
sharp suits
clothes worn on the tatters of matadors
bulls are the best beasts
you know
And here past the red sheet
of theories!
All rivets in the ocean of sand.
On a shoe box
stand commanding motion, makes a mirror of us all
Taken to the last delight
and the rails of rushing men
running out of time
take it to parsed lips
and hum the holy words:
"in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn,
in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn"-it means nothing
you see
take one last flight across the world:
'in turn, in turn, in turn,
in turn"
One last lost walk through the forest:
"in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn"
one last vomit growl through the city, fleeting somewhere beating:
'in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn"
One last, let all pass
in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn
And as all is consumed with love
So it is all consumed in fire
'in turn, in turn, in turn, in turn'
Not from one or the other
nor is it yes but sun, sky
night, eyes burning
ashes dust
scarlet clashing banks of white
poppy stars
and river kites
flashing violence passing by
forever n'
broaches coated gold
the quick tests to make things click
cameras, cell phones, pads of persistent pressing thumbs
clunky cranky comp chomps plunking the lumps,
awkward midnight lovers for fifty five dollars an hour
dominatrix mazes, religious faces fazed in dazes
yellow rain coat sweat in wet drips
sun light scorched shoes, politicians pamphleteering truth
gift wrapping, conditional love, training dogs and dead doves,
cupboards, butter bread knives
crumbs of the mid wife
jack hammer slappers, clasped doors banging
Damning the stammering weather
wreathes of the Woodstock
nothing to prove
resting the hands of the class clock strip lock of shell shock piss posh
hog wash slashed in the miss match
He reaches for the sand with his hand
the moon, he can't hold that either,
the magicians cloak with seventy strokes
of sunlight
some deemed
by the witches who spun them
not one sun could he gun down
so he turned his own way
and stuck to his own kind mind
his own which way
she wanted to better the bastards
seek revenge wrought with chatter
attached to the detached
will lead to disaster.
None without laughter.
None without matter.
None without struggle, rubble and cat hairs
rabbits brought round for the feast of hereafter.
he soiled
and swept his brown talisman
round his neck hung
and shook his shackles
every clink of the costume
made his bones brittle
something primitive about his instincts
making ink marks on the glow chart think
given to primordial bouts of plant sprouts
shot to surrender
the tender waves of the devout
'devout to what?'
devout to nothing
that's what it's about.
'but i need you!'
and the cracks of the motor begin to rumble
come sun or apocalypse
if lady's throbbing breasts is of no matter
the statues blast the brims fueled with butter
and the breeming baskets retire to the underground without a sound in their metal caskets
broken 12 fold
with eleven cups of wine
poured out on the company card
or the little finger of laborers in the dust clouds rolling in tropical sounds
parrots quacking louder now
The Monkey God
'I've been here before, I've been here before'
yes he's seen 10, 000 wars waged by the double faced jane
Every man and woman
is a perfect opportunity
to practice the art of love
many of us have got it wrong
and know little of how to love
but it is but a practice
for better things to come
and a question of letting go
at every bend and every fold
The flaming tongues of the whispering wordsmiths
Sensation's reward
but time leaves them far behind
on their breath panting
Jests and Jurors
long gone now
at the river dancing
and leaves it best for the death bed
already infested, invested in all kinds of wishes and dishes and stitches and britches
sets of star boards hoarded co-opts snorts of ebbing the tide forth
me on the sea shore
hugging stuck in the shoveling
tasks of might night till dusk
The Parade
The elephant leads the parade
the rhythm pervades
the heart
the jackal clasped to the past in cackling howls
caricatures in statures
clean cut master bloggers
burned ears and shears of love disrupted
menial instructions nailed to the crucified sails of man's brotherhood
could have been gone in the oceans of forests
deserts and sand dunes
but instead kicking the kings for a crown of thorns
set to free the mocking spree
the magicians secret library
The Elephant leads
with tusks wrapped in beads
pearls roll in cracked shells
and sulfur bath streams
stuck to destruction, a wrestle mane of kids on the horse flare of alcohol pissed in summer sun sinking
Back on the sandals of saints sold for a dollar at the Roman border
the white book
the black book
bound by the gold book
All the same book
One thousand languages
All the same Buddha
All the same Christ
All the same forest
All the same wife
all the same mother
all the same father
all the same brother
all the same coming
all the same going
The Elephant leads
with tusks wrapped in beads
The reeds of Bo Peep and the fairytale squeaks on the grey drapes on incense
the cover of sleep, gun men run the brothers of pot luck
and drum up the dreams to keep you awake
rivers wrought
with cash a plenty
& not until twenty
was death invested in
The raising of javelins
justice pleads innocent
'not guilty please!'
a day's job done!
he's innocent
and set forth to run
the soldiers stand tall to wall the way of the journey
The cheetah leads and the foot drums and toe jam stomps
the carnival dance
unshackled stances turned to enchant!
To enchant!
The romance of chance of who can and who can't
Wrought with leather, iron and ore
wrought with those who take, the waste of actions faked
He spilled over his alarm clock
In the tent like a cloak
punched two crutches in the pillow
saw the funny folds of his nose in the hours enclosed
to canyons imploded
rolling in
At the thought of which he turned round to cup her breast
as if it was falling or would be stolen
if he were to fail
he would have to find and keep and hold it.
Clash cracks the cats.
Catamaran pie
Have I fooled you?
or are you fooling yourself?
There was always someone else under the bed
The local court jester or trickster
rummaging through souvenirs of the past on the mantle
some candle sets fire to your grasp
and he ignites all the past
in tokens broken
between cracks
the same face the flacks on the painting's
of masters
Holy ghost spoke to
Semolina the queen
of Marmalade jam
hampers on the hillside
thrusting her wand at the ebbing wave tide
in all manner meaning
to control her life
and over the hill rides
rips of the days
licked over ways
of wishing for cover
not another
disturber could hurt her
in gums seek to solve
the juncture of some sort of report between the morning and sunlight
till it's almost burned out too bright
till three speckled dogs burst from kennels consuming
tanned cooing, mooing
in flames of the fire
so through the night it burns through their whimpering eyes
and by the vomit of comets
they throw it all up
in disguise
and by the day time
hide in what informers tell me
are lies
while the devil deals
cards in suit ties
through some manic deluge exuding
angels come round and spill forth the sounds and the images
flowing, slowly unfolding
box imprisoned:
-your home
-your taxes
-your plans
-your stances
-your many trophies and children and things
Always I'm the one to win the wars and suffer what it brings
You and I
with claws to fire
scratches bark of rain juice choir
on filaments of funeral pyres
You and I
the squire in checkered suits to boot and whisks of barbed wire
out to shoot the crows of old
with ladies wrapped in fur coat robes
disguised thieves of nature's treats.
You and I
like bonnie and Clyde
having run away for 55 nights
with burst tires
on the midnight's light
frothing at the fire
in colosseums hiding
poles and rattling cattle
poems rid with schrapnel
Me, you
You and I
Three, 5, foe fum
one eyed ogres
on danish bolders
pushing the rolling
stone of age
from younger to older
collecting rivets,
chinks and strokes
corroded once from large to smaller
once sling shot from top to bottom
the top with one aim and one desire
the bottom with lazy faceless liars
to slow role down the unplowed path
and unfold fast to fine the smaller
shots round sides of blinded looks took to be spice of other's cauldrons
trees, fakirs, fakes and fists
pinching at the lips to kiss
sort of twirling strawberry worlds
and sort of running from it all
and out of un clean thoughts are sprung
the spit of hair kissed pebbles wrung from scattered small town pristine guns
whom free to fall in pools of thought
the fast downfall
illusion's dots
There it was with you and eye
the red I, calm eye
wrinkled spy
One eye struts his staff like kings to kingdoms come and magic strings
the subtle pluck and burst of things
unsaid, ungloved
eye and eye
the iris shoots to streams of thoughts in folding clouds
come in from the picking leaves
and strokes of gold bark stripped with ease
But you insist
that I am I
and not you too
you seem to prove
that covered sun disks cut the skin
only whence they reveal
all the meaningless places that they've been in
But new born baby
wailing like a midnight lady
just your little dress in sparkles sort of cuts and sort of dreams.
I have the faint urge to ask if
you won't run away with me?
the chortling drums seem to beat the maze of thought so crazily
You and I
if not to try
in hail storms hampered glass to fly
Venetian classes, row boats fast in laughing gay and passing anguish
black billed throats of smoke stacked choking
hoping, stoked slammed poker gofers rowing slower down the moat
Let me reveal to you and I, where one man connects to a thread
to meander to what seems to lend
the sowing hand to stitch together
winds and dust and sand and earth
to next time moving forth to prove that whence I come around I'll try to show you what life is all about
be it the red book or the bed book
you must look in every nook and crook to see that nothing's there.
But you intent on spinning gold with three cut hands in ribbons bold
you squeeze too tight to life unlike the frightened bang of a python's eye
You yelp like fish kelp seaweed's swell of streams of rich men's ponds and dreams
He labors as a favor to flavor the elixirs of false saviors.
I'm told.
You milk the statues of golden cows.
I'm told.
For how much were the crates of milk sold?
You and I
and I and I
try because we'd like to try, it is you and I who fight all night
and wake up in storms torn through floor boards
Every beast and rat and owl huddled in the sand dial showers
Every mad man with a tin can saying can he can't though
he quite evidently
can can
saying how much he relishes his loneliness
but in longing we will fall again
It's in the breaking apart that sparks are darted
and I realize what it means after all
in dresses trilling the tips of toes and winging his fat hips to roll with the swan like grace and silk lined lace
you should have seen her!
You could have been her!
Have you not been gleaning the honey held dreaming
too long the milk milked
gone wrong
the sour hour drowned out of your unsung song.
Bombs or swords or stones
that spike the curb of lives in flight
Is it you've shot too many birds
in dictionaries have you fucked too many words?
from teachers and preachers and talkers and stalkers have you drowned in what you've learned?
Do your two faces make it tough for you to turn?
is the wicker wax too hard to burn?
No one can set fire to a flame
You and I and eye and eye
will have to splice the blanket sky
the rivers from sinners the saints and swimmers
the givers and the takersand teacher's
and leaches and bribers by the island
the fanged fierce carnivores
the carnival of cannibals
who hunger to dice the meat of life till trivially small
and useless for all
In ceremonies of harvest rice crows build their nests
of beads and curling lice
Here the last sun drum shimmers in postcards
of pictures
of napoleonic dancers
from lands imagined
walls of images
disperse to reveal
hats concealed in strides
not this one son,
alarm clocks and bus stops
no son, not the promise of rewards hereafter
no guns to overcome
Nor love lost when unseen cloth
coulees from rhythms mop the age glands
in glass gloves
be fruitful to the truthful
shoots in the looting holes
in socket roots
death is like the rest of the mysteries we chew in shrewdbold pointless knowledgeable moods
built on the ghost food of forefathers where most moods bring laughter
bulls stuck to bar rooms
chatter behind every door unopened
far further than any gold merchant will search
far closer than any hoarding lurch of leachers treacherous
payed up desk clerks
with stapled rulers wrought with wicked tickets passed to speak of ribbons
or tools to turn convictions from A to B in the dictionary of what we see
to what we'll be in 1,2,3 if drinking products pushed to please
the stock clocks sold on old parries
and molded, slapped on slabs to be
rolling on the italian ocean
in the common revoked chapter
the capital of babble
and sickle and shackle
unhinge the laughter
You and I
we can't win in them
there's some kind of untamed mechanism
resting on a cloud of conviction
they don't know
that not a single day's
the same,
not a single brain moves in the same way
you speak of visions?
Begin from your kitchen
from where the sunlight spills in.
Here in the dim night your life will begin
it's just a question of regaining sight
you'll step out and find no one stands where you stand
nor has the hands that you have
or i have or we have or one has
'they have black hands, red hands and white hands'
all in all that's a gross generalization based on impatience
on closer inspection not one is the same, with little alterations and deviating veins, I wish I'd never learned of words and names
it's a hassle to start all over again, but i'll do it, just for kicks and see what comes from it.
But find your hands naked not greater than any other maker
nor faker than any other taker
no one sees what we see from where you command the infinite land to come back right back behind you
if lucky to guide you
if unlucky to bight you
Amongst division
your position of infinite
can not be taken
your vision can not break
Though chaos clashes
your path lasts and walks on dark nor greener grasses
Let the weather pass
those that do, will stand to last
Wasteland Vol III
"if my soldiers were to begin to think,
they'd leave the army"
-Alexander the Great
The Witch's Prophecies Part I
Block the
Straight faced. Tight laced.
Encased. In Cases. Crippled hand Caped.
Tooth to the back of the smack
Silent night.
Bubbling cauldron
The old learn in stalls
Stillness awakes them
The Speech
A short man stood on the pagoda,
in his uniform and toga
He lifted a stiff arm soon to be limp and began to spurt hot words out
unlucky for him
the audience of chimps were scratching
the bald patches of their companions
fleas guaranteed
One eye convinced of another
cut half way across the slice.
A side dish offered to the gods. sleeping!
The Wild West: Where Man's Law meets Judiciary Law
My mind's breath on winter's wars
on reigns swung to branch the doors of pores on skin seeped sand
shook shores, the world is only waking!
String shots slice the sleeping streets to beat the pump stiff muscled dreams
in every life it starts to speak the words of woken wonder.
Tools to compass the circumference
hammered stone shawls stuck to statues hung through walls.
The myths of greatness seem to fall
from Sanskrit tales to pleasure plundered.
Sacked and whimpered jesters
Lady midnight likes to reign the horse in
Pimp enslaved her for personal gain
but theirs is a dream for the taking
with arabic oils hashish foil
life must some times get funny
the weather's word to shed its rain
lest clouds have tongues for thunder
Be boorish, black tanned blinking dogs
the dank dead devil's arms
has no desire to climb
and god above has no depths to fall,
no ambitions to crawl to with arms to open
In the prose of rose skipped silence
lies the fumbling fur of fleas
for hunters
The gathering clapping cats on ice
on tides tilt the tempting time to take a dip in silk screens shine and out win
names and numbers
Calculation: the cause for celebration at the iron ore train station
85 Dalmatians solve the stock exchange equations.
Just as the juries straining to command the law of payment.
10 butlers batter cakes in lakes of silver for the taking
Towers power puncture junctions
functions fact check fat fame hatchets
caught in thoughts of taking
Fought to free fight frame in fist fight frightening tripe bibbed bight of dice draped once to tempt fate
once to hide
the hand of plenty
is now empty
Growls of caked cracked coat checkout classes
Cremes of dart dream lost in the making the 10 train
from the first to the last station
stuck inside sam's bottle
what a throttle he's offered us
thank him
Now generals commands
they clamor together
like face framed fixtures
kings, queens, priests, imams, rabbis, shaman, prophets, saviors, pharaohs, presidents, dissidents, hussars and sultans
The bombs of calamity sing songs for enemies
fostered and festered in the breasts of inventors
tacked to enroll in all but this world.
Far flung representations like drapes of a snakeskin.
Terse and removable
The preamble scramble of red shot white light
tapping on the concave glass mask
There's a bark on the radio station
-'a word written'
-'epitaph under scribed'
-'proud drum beats of the ticker tape parade'
-'thoughts outbound in subway stations'
'office the coffin'
-'the schmaltz of a turpentine waltz and a gargle of toe tapping shift shaping gaping eyed layer cakes'
with guns in their wars
bayonets like claronets
near the harmless boorish squaws squeak their fingers peeking through the ceiling
how precious a barrel
with live stock kept
seems when
listlessly resting
on the fence of extremes.
All saviors and prophets barred from the seance
tonight is a death dance
violet eruptions
with Violence's lace dress pressed fresh against the faceless
quite a name for a dame
voluptuous punctures in gun flash concoctions
The doctorates swim in silence
the papers drowned in the flood
In purple waters parade pioneers
Grinning sharp forefathers
white kniving teeth
and tiffany's dagger.
Though words whirl
the window wiper curls to a bomb
and unfolds to explosive commotions.
The book is the word.
After every calamity
I hear mother's say another child is dead
lain stiff on the flower bed come to pass
The whole wretched family's dead!
what's left is their chess desk
some game in mid set
The hairs gone from fetching 5 bars of soap sweating and fat grease ball pearls
in the curl of the mindless climate possessing them.
There's life in the mind's of the majestic
and humility's the key to find it
Only the devil himself could invent it!
what ways to quench life!?
To quench thirst
To stir strife. With bursts of energy, half baked cacophonies
clammer and break on the rocks of uncertainty
thumping screams,
poison seeps
sleeps in their thousands
their hundred or millions
when will your conscience awaken?
The Witch's Prophecies Part II
in to dark caves will crawl and claw at the walls for treasures.
So possessed by their obsession
its measure and weight and its splendor
will scour and suck sour their brothers
to stand on a tower with food they can't swallow
with dart boards of plans
godly commands to win what they can
will rummage and pillage and drain every village
for ideals and thrills set the bill for their will and wake up the sleeping and dreaming and feeble frightened people
to fight to the death for the dears of their keeping
in the bullpen
then selected to stand straight tall n' tall
in a fine posture
of toe heeled laughter
forced to splatter the cackle of every cow
and cat heard to blast the past with shrapnel
to win and to prove!
Oy vey!
I'm not on that side anyway anywhere
to win and to prove: for you and you alone
for alone on our own odyssey we meet together at the end
The Waltz
Parlour of the pensioners
now that they've won their wars
made rot of the grapes
and spilled the wine from the table
crammed culture to the wall
turned their back on magic and enchantment
godly parades in to plastic packages
fabricated by the ravaged garden savaged
To it I bow my head
give them a bath
bathe them in gold
suck on their toes when it gets cold
to outwardly contain my frustration
and inside i have a mechanization station
that transfers all my rage in to patience
I have faith in you
to get up and try again
in any shape or form
to ultimately find yourself
infinitely human
divinely human
to win on the playing field
what of it?
ones conscious contribution to culture is quite the kick
you can just about make the mindless sick
the teeth to chatter
of any piranha with the mad hand hatter
the sad plan of expansion
Hey man!
a little gnome with a lot of exposure
the courage disclosed
he wishes above all to tell you some
words if you would kindly lend me your lobes.
'Ahem' the little squirt pips
'I…..think' he continues in the hesitant scrawl of a 12 year old
'that people should not seek happiness outside but inside'
The dictator enraged, kicks him off the page.
such is the way of the caged.
Summon all the mages
the sages
get all the posing defendants
to go deep in to the remnants of pretense.
In my defense 'I' have a vision
a clear cut decision
'all trees are for me!'
'all people are mine'
'all things I own from any throne, I sit on the circle of time'
'all blood brine and guts will bend to my wand'
'all dotes will explode'
'dears will be sheered, ducks put in pots, though its the ponds that they're wanting (but they're not having it!)
'rabbits will have it'
'cats sliced to rot'
The devil's own pot
for that insurmountable
hunger to plunder
still starving for what?
In taking
you lose what you've got
20 crows saw it from the top of the building
crawling from caves with children kept safe
with vision voiced to take the time to safety
chirped about the warriors now painting their faces
stepped on ten towers and summoned the showers of hours now counting away.
War on the floor is not quite the same from above
and that which desires
and fears to expire
the world that one writes on with black on white pages
history's face
one blank water worn tank and to whom to thank?
think carefully
the carefree rust in the dust of their daze.
Prophecies Come and Go, Life Moves On
Storm bells
ground rattles
the desire to stand on the statues of giants
the plying defiance of silence.
The word was to wonder on two battalions set to the opposites of anger.
The fangs of white daggers flash in the thunder.
In disjointed concentration
and rebuttal from every station.
The crows of temptation in crowds of impatience
A commander came to order
every hesitant cell to step forth and slaughter.
Every self propelling intelligent sense of salvation is shot in to place and its fate harnessed to embrace
or be shot in disgrace.
On opposite ends
the hand seems to lend itself gently in defense
and storm willingness sheds off its pretense.
The gift grappling gunmen
with warm weathered faces and lines to life traces of sacrificed stages
the roots of an old oak with branches of gold leaves
in action relaxed for a fraction of a second.
So to fear is to face the arrows of fate or the quicksand comes to command the embrace
the inevitable melting of love and of hate!
Two sides turn
strike the chord
red and blue flaps
banners whipping in the wind
in the dim light silhouetted
on a strange night
The blind glass blower gives
with the pouring of lava folds
in to granite pours
the ore of years in waiting
No reproach of the croaked feet on the street
of the interned toe nails in bent directions sent from the hermits and heretics
and metal clefts like cats in heat
turned and curled in all strange feats
'To both victory and wonder'
to die is to understand the hand of god
every drop of blood
is a gift of yours!'
and your body will be our gift back in the postal service
is my thought
ask the desk clerk
the keeper of our cloaks
our spirits spring forth through our lives and past them
Some warriors so deaf, impaled to understand
fatigue for years to seek relief
from placards and boxes
in strawberry ceremonies and mangos on beaches?
to dangle through life in the fruit tree?
But outside
its chaos kid,
upside down in the market place kiosk clicks the good will of innocents
here's the best beat of human behavior
from motion to motion to motion to mania
to hoard and to board up and store up ones gains
Though courage to cut through is the only way through
All Senses Stripped
Activity runs in all directions
perceptions interstected in collisions
of visions of human perfection
unattainable citations of ideals
collected in baskets of pretense wrapped on the weekend
one man moves with worldly solutions
and another distressed by self obsessed tunes
to dance of distraction to achieve: to become!
The son of who's who.
I've heard that one before!
what an abrasive uninteresting bore,
to be no more less or no more
thanwhat you're worth
i want to see your soul burst
in an effort of emancipation
from any old station
of waiting
for gain
slap clap the trap.
captain haddok the braggard
To win what's been won
to do what's been done
No appraisal is needed for the able who labor in love
and need not rewards nor grades nor scored boards nor
to better their brother for self puffing platform grabbing smokestacks in the cover of long clinging karaoke style singing their own lonely song
(throngs of japanese school girls with pink curls push the bibles in to hands of pampered white faced naked aboriginals. yummy. yummy. I have culture in my tummy.)
And everyman is just as intelligent when it comes to this:
one number
one life
one sight
one feeling
one mother
one father
one first on one eye
won one every time
one river that pushes the pebbles
revealing, upturning
what's been sealed and hidden.
One drink
One Gin
One bottomless glass of wine
to be drunk on all the time
but best with your mind
in competition with the constant obsession to win!
It's and easy decision
I have no visions but to give and have no cares but to live
no seas to conquer but to swim in what's given
no card decks or martyrdom tricks
or resurrections planned or anything
Except for the one every morning at sound rise
for that's when I'm born again
and again
and again
every morning
for the rest of time
The Toll
In all real stances with guns and with lances
the same tools remade and romanced
but end up buried in the soil to toil further
Your friends are turned in
your family's near,
in the tongue twist of trash,
it could have been better than that
The one eyed parrot squeaking
'all eyes can see it'
'all eyes can see it'
'all eyes can see it'
well they'll come to collect him in the morning…surely?
foes left to fight their gods in the elements
what pretense!
go over and help them
where abandoned children are left to swim to kingdoms of cauldrons
smoldering lessons to be learned by devotion
to shoot up: pretenders. Loony bin benders
(there're wise men among us)
Unleashing all fire furnaced by tense decisions
precisions insisted for one man's mission
How precious is what's thrown to the wind and tossed and then lost in the years that we live
Some ex russian radar hussar blurts from the side of the book
'I beg we reconsider our course in discourse opening vanity's door and welcoming brethren and deathly things jingling from ear rings and triptychs and painters with thick bits of stick stuck to objects in theory it's art-that's what the press said. BANG! 'oh another explosion' darling…could you turn down the television? war's such a 'drag' …)
But in orders:
The coroners wait in the corner,
the doctor's on sidelines
the men looked down but are lost in the murmur
the general paints his finger with fire,
the soul stirs its yearning now let go to throw:
the numbers clash like they always have
between movement and waiting
hell any number'll just about do it
do it
don't wanna be your slave
'we become aware of the chaos of numbers'
'we become aware of the tumult that unfolds and our infinite responsibility and contribution even in observation!'
one couldn't have imagined it!:
in sequence sits the possibility of melody
at the base knees of surrender in between common viscous provisions
that lend their disjointed splendour
Both god and the devil are battling endlesly
convinced of their duty to defeat lucidity
to engulf zamblanity
it's love of insanity
to be finnicky in perfection
and they toil and the blood bursts on the boils of their rectums
indulged in dreamlike directions in being consumed with the bidding distractions for fear of complexion.
From out circus fairs
geeks strapped in surrender, simple son and his ham and cheese sandwich meshed in the music amusing the losing.
There must be a reference some where!
someone else surely justified this death
I have it printed-predicted in glitches of glory
the triumph of bed time stories
a memory
and what about the banners?
in silver silk I see them
the golden threads
on a bed of summer roses showered by rain drops
dr zeus blues
popping the dry sense of our conquest's success
and what of the enemy's laced embraces stiff as stone cages of warm fleshy faces?
I will compute our success we're winning in numbers!
We're popular brothers!
britches twisted
we bewitched the witches
of the riches were stitched on this morning while yawning at the awnings
clip ties slipped in right
miss matched sun tan land
wrist watch
the sultan exhales a magnate to suck all the souls who have hold on his tripe precious metals.
The Last Illusion, The First True Painting
In between the white and the black
the vinyl and shellac
the nights of general's barks
sounds snap like farts
the infinite orders of super suppressed stress
in between the glory of greatness and precious
awaiting for people to save you
but the flakes of time are melting
fallen from faces frozen in cages of faith and of patience.
And singers in upstart spurts like a dart
it can't stand in the rafters or laugh out the shouts
and the snarls and the blood lost gone crusty and musk
y entombed in the dusk of drapes of drawn trust.
All faith speaks of trust
or better of luck.
With faith in another, you'll never know better, you have to fall face first alone to move on.
Far in between: what's black what's white's black
and fire and flack and spittles of diamond dust sticks and of cracks in clam like cracked canyons and sands of peeled onions by bare naked spaniards with hair underarms
and blasts of shook sand tunes of Moroccan sultans with camel grease mustaches tushes and cushions
howls at the moon reported at noon
that's odd
only wolves know its use.
behind every ideal
sits a concealed little blipping and dimpling confused baby kicking
life's in the waiting
beyond the puncture of every sealed face
the bemused wise men cackle in waiting
behind every veil waits the lips of a lady with breasts of a saint.
Burst from the bones of the end of the world
the rebirth of humor and playing
the triple edged toys of the sand box slaps at the crotch of all knowledge
inwrapped chords espouse from white bars or black bars or dive bars or gay bars or star bars of red white and stars from bright buttered jars
Mangled cuts hugging the rocks on the splashing land locked ocean flashing in motion who's eyes have now spoken the new king
In ignorance the pig dance slowly fades away.
The romance with war now on its last legs.
I'm not trying to point you to the ostriches
nor to tamed in distracted elaborate thoughts masks made by novices.
Botched on the ink pad
the first marks of action
in sparks of distraction
to catch em we can't win
disillusion sun men spring from the rafters, wizards and quizzers, lizards and gizzards,
taletellers, whores and inventors, black smiths and braggarts, haggards and finger forced waggers, no sayers and yes sayers, hallelujah jehovas choo choos gotta wigga boogoos
draggons with banners of mystical magic leaving battalions like scallions of wars waged by chipmunks sprung from the worn wells of wonder
what fun was your plunder?
illusion is plunder
for movement uncovered in black gold the sunken will scream for another now far gone and far flung for father and mother
with artisans
funnels of tools tuned for songs
perfectly strung through the campfires
once huddled the sisters and brothers and whisperers and lovers
for visions belonging to thousands now gone.
To live more than you're told
was the resounding tone.
To dance on dead bones
to grow young from old.
To renew what's been said
to tear it to shreds
to mend what's been broken
and silence those spoken.
To kill all your saints and your devils and sages.
To remake's to break what has not yet been opened.
Beatland Vol I
"when you at last reach the sweet ray of her whose eye sees everything, from her you will know the course of your life"
"art is long, life is short"
An open letter to the clowns of majesty: I'm leaving
Money didn't matter to me
where it came from
or where it's going
The face flushes white
like the page when nothing is said
that's because the saviors don't speak for paper
they rebound
the eyes, the smells and sounds
of nature.
books are carried in bags
clung to holy relics
and tangles of spangling words trick to tell them
A cacophony of restlessness
In every move a pearl
and in every pearl a gem
and in every glitch a priceless realization
revealing the source of all things
before them
hear the fools
they know more
than you do
the wink of colorful parrots pipping in the morning
four eyes pointing to claws and beaks
the manifestations the spirit finds
the form it takes
orangoutang boosters
scratching the asses of blue bibbed baboons.
The users!
It's a pleasure to be an actor
on this stage,
Though I think
There are acters and there are actors
The acters,
act out of consequence of their actions
the action itself is a consequence of itself
it is self contained and
they're intuitive
and logical
and enlightened with the reason of movement
and grace
every step
every move of a muscle
is unrestrained
is free from pain
from self consciousness
is a spirit harnessed in its own way
in swimmingthrough
singing song sermons
Without nerve or nervousness
'howling' at the people
as if from the preacher
all channels open
quite conscious of where it came from
The actor
knows himself
he knows he is what he is
and he acts for what he acts for
his actions are directed forth to
'the people'
he speaks of 'the people'
though sees only their masks
and wears his unknowing
to portray men of glass
From the Stage:
"I trampled on the honeyed shrouds squelched in breast milk bursting!
and kick the cups of history's luggers
and piss in the open mouths aghast
shouting louder and louder:
Drink dinner men and chortling hens
the party has only begun.
It's shakespeare's turn to fuck off!"
yet unaware, in every moment
glitch and twitch of derision in the spectacle
shakespeare has come and gone
milton, byron fall to sleep
dante's tears on nietzche's dress
all great and small men
divine or dead
must come to go
unto themselves
The First Burst
He magnetizes forks and knives
cannonizing smiles
opposites spliced
ignitions ripe
words delight
dangling life
the wild face frightens
not timid
the actor's night
the booing
tomatoes torn
and rotten
flung to every station
tied with white buttons
the critics swallow hearts in whole
for careers and selfish goals
Performing to rows of huffing scoffed
unimpressed distressed
blessed men
Parallels on Zither
Perhaps on his better day
he flew away
between characters
roles were ripe
wings in flight
to be himself was impossible
to be another
unheard of
to run away
where beggars
glare at
A stolen life story
the movement of
momento mori
for every discovery
of free form archery
the precise target
to tear apart
within itself
lights the spark
Il Grotto
He is drunk as he sputters and spills his wine on his clients,
Calling over the naked waitress
defiantly unprepared for the big presentation
shift shaping
gaping at
the dinosaurs stationed
fat fist pounds on the table.
Jelly spoons
Fish forks
Champagne miss placed
falls from
the face of the earth
as it were
a table
The messiahs of flesh in folds unfounded
Smoke in the haze of shouting
ashes flip from black tanned cigars
arabian rugs
He Gets Down On His Knees
he's proposing phosphorescent shoes for silver laced numbers
mashed cakes
fig traces
stained glass gazes
he froths for dancing runners
the dart of summer tanned
salty lovers
look kid they need them
the world consumed with unisex as it's always been
but how about a pen with russian dances
writers, composers, tsars and hussars, revolutionary reds
etched in to them
juggling the self conscious clowns
I know of the wild striped knives
the pirate's eyes reveal them when they plunder
but since
then have been barred
by the vaudeville hammer
the performers standards
in a stance of self reliance
they folded their hand
We'll crucify honesty right before supper
We'll be millionaires and send all the poor kids off the plank or whatever
here here!
They gulp their beards
Vicolo Uomo Salvatico
We turn to our friends
and say surely that was not heaven
the man at the door was short passed eleven
the breath and the stench of it
stopped the mind's dance
refusal to drink without hands of help shafted
to candle lit rafters
from a songwriter's stance
black satin pants
on velvet verandahs
black and white mind like the skin of a panda
I'll sing for my chances
Distracted first for attention's glances
Drinking not money but flatulence
But I'm an enchanter
an actor
Cats of the hell dance
Dark tips the frankness
face full of anger
Illusion's enchanter
Every Kitchen's Fireworks
We wonder in through the vapor
as if awoken
to discover the cover of a new mirror broken
When shingles kept on coming
I pass the bread basket
to caskets of stone
Rap the window
in a still drone
at best they scramble for dangling dollars
a four course dinner with paper money
In imaginary proof
we know creations fruits were a mess
and on earth there is no paradise
besides the islands we make for ourselves
white horse course of splurge of a mess
i can't wait for another to tell me
a cat sheared for sunday's best
offered to me
I reject it
It's a glee to contest it
I can't make your food for you
or offer you truth
I'll cook my own broth for the food and the lot
a laughing, ogling, mind boggling feast
bursting dancing scone cream of dreams
an unwrapping of gift packing
talisman's tautology
tarantula's warmest apologies
A cleaner is needed
Lessons From A Fool Abroad
Oh yes,
I'll take you dancing.
At Doris's Park
With Zebras and go carts
In the Maze of man's Mirrors
The parisian book vendors
pamphleteering for war on the way
I'm afraid we'll have to make a detour my lady
so as long as I'm here
I'll have to fight for them
There's a bight of commotion I can't quite resist
Clacks of the war drums
Spritz of the toy guns
All the sharp gold laces with
Painterly traces
Traumatized faces from
Earth quakes of shaking
Ripped out of pages
Returned to the sages
With nothing learned jaded
and lost cause defendants
The serious poets are learning
and are so short of earning a sum or two turning
to face the new world
at all times unfolding
it's on the battle field we get the real sense of things coming
Amongst all the commotion I hear the squawk of a Harlequin stumbling
mumbling his best kind of drawl in french
yet he's english equipped with the tricks of wizards
crumbs on the mattress to hawk up the soldiers
with all minds confused for his use out of order
nothing better than such a warm warrior
torn on the lawn of commotion
a passive invasive
coquettish brave kid
Here's the vision
come my way
like no other day
and from here on
I'll learn new things
in opposite stages
But harlequin can't care for purpose
of being a pristine piss artist
or pink panther poet,
just about throwing words n' kicking forward
the doors with locks and of lockets
just for the bounce or the fun or the count of it,
fix of it
tricks in
gift of it
love of it
mixing the slouch and foul mouthed ring of tribes men
far ahead i
he's been here before
and he's back to invent
his own form of war
Where Men Keep Their Pants On
After thoughts of the frantic
skewed lance of chances
she accepts his offer to dance
around the bombs dropped on france
but under the condition of being completely naked
not faking the flakes of their making
he grips her by the palm of his hand
and gives her his word
spat in to hers
painted in dumbo dot prisms,
it's a mathematical position to take
with plagues as a threat
an insistence in fish nets
high heels
I told them
can't scold these kids
they're only ten.
well shot
sold crack
things bought from been stalks
king kong in hong kong
to vend off and fend off
Hollywood's secrets
of shirts
sold to
execs for perks
the studios forget the quick change of presence
throw all the money in fields of of the restless
honey gets stuck in the flash of the flux
fields of mud run through
smothered moon drops
of waiting to stop
till waiting to stop
When Men Take their Pants off
I want to see hips in quick fits, flitting and flashing back and forth coming
rocking like a horse charm gonging
I want to see the salacious million mile road,
I wanna row a boat down it
I want to see the lights cranked in heat though the lights may be me
Though I rewrite in wreathes
Racks of the rhythms I know it and only it will shave time off the tepid insipid clock bosses
A Drive Away From The City
From where you drive you say 'it is always changing'
pointing over the Montauk blue mountains
and I point my fine fickle finger down your ear drum cupped with candy floss flack wax and bezel bum mash n I whisper
'the change IS the thing itself'
get your head around that cat
'Let me get my hat on first man'
and I put on a riding man's jacket
(between brackets)
with prizes from hunting
oil overspilling in fashionable comfort
because it's fashionable to be comfortable
hoo ha
hoo ra
Hoo ra ra
On Being Scolded When Older
Martha caught the kids pounding gold watches with gavels and axes laughing about riches turned rubble
but by the time they were done
so consumed in their fun
they failed to notice
the first chin seed stubble
round up the classroom
get them painted
plastered laughter
just a suggestion
To join hands in double red ribbons
Yellow clipped suns by her made up toy numbers
it's a play about time,
about useless string rhymes
clocking the doorman
names start with nine
why's your hair long john?
have you heard that arabs are coming in boats rowing faster
fueled without laughter
requisites serious about their endeavors
you better get those alibastards
agile cats with alligator tongues and stuff
don't wean them yapping around
drown em' like a fish drowns in fresh air
Go in shout out the numbers,
from one to one hundred
pull the rafters over the pastiche paint plasters,
ring the liberty bell and tell all free thinkers to tinker on home as they can.
we wil.
We'll get all the demons to send out their sea men and in turn be free men
we'll wake up all the sleeping brill box bones and get them pulverized on the peruvian slopes,
hare krishna man telling me elephants used to walk these lands
well if they can
we all can
The First Day Of Waking
Stalk starts the morning
never woke up again the same way
blew smoke at the blaze curtain
traced his hand in a circular way
and sung out resounding
Never give your hand to a mad man come pulling
he'll lose all his meaning
if you try to talk to him
come tell me your troubles and turn your lost life
to fun flings and flights of moon rings
and focus on the hocus pocus in raucous song
concentrating sharp as a master on the dart of delicious ignitions
no artist ever sat idly by
let others row him
don't do anything
be louts!
ain't nothing not to have but people around you to care for
just care for yourself
up in the calm mountain air
pick up the thorns in the morning
care to not care
but then what would you do there?
sit in sharp silence and renounce yourselfwitness?
to worlds in the waking
I say worlds, cus it's always in making
saying wait a minute….mum…
I'll do it tomorrow!
sleeping and such
but what are you giving back while you're living up there?
that's always going to be my first and main question
though i can pout my lips pretending
in a stance of pretension
and weave my own stories,
say hey man I'm better
I'm better and better
better than the baddest meanest man made leather
in the end it's the ones opened up by whatever I proffer
that alone justifies my actions
not my talking, and squawking and balking like sultans
and my pretentious search for the perfect expression
but the thought provoked in turn
for other's reaction
no time to talk too much about it
just action and all that further forced flack of invention
to get to it
move it
Beatland Vol II
Summer Streets: Sloppy Lullaby
Domina ducked
jumped from the car flashing
teeth and the tie man set to the bar
she was on the italian slopes
had gargled down 600 hundred grapes
in the shape of a bottle
pressed late in the day by the black warted feet
of church faithful street sweepers
To pick a point and stretch it far
for if you're bored of the little suggestions
but you keep sitting on them
you'll start to regress
and by the time you're twenty five or fifty seven
you'll be standing on your head wishing
i could have been that kid
So don't say you didn't
prancing and dancing like a little street ferret
scuttling under the city's clean gutters
to the hereafter
the sidewalk erupts with laughter
with a mustache and beret and spanish sword fencing
in the posters for circuses
with your face pressed up against a magical mirror
you'll never see yourself
quite like the others
sticking your tongue out and trying to lick it
The Prostitute (a sketch from the street looking at the window)
blue glaze, turned to face her after shaving
purple nipple, stuck her tongue in it
vomit cleaner, with a red shirt
iron worker, sex slave jerker
gift of an indian, for 78 cents on a political bent
The Visionary Psychic (a few shops down the road, 5 $ for palm, 10$ for Tarrot, 100 $ for your future, past and the cost of your funeral-an imagination of what she would have said)
I've tried to see things as they are,
failed but once or twice,
bounce back up when out of luck
never tried to think of myself of how I am but where i'm going
things to learn
bridges to build and bridges to burn
like a ball with out holds or breaks on the rollers
with faith in the cliff
going faster and farther
had girls tell me they knew everything
latrine politicians
I guess people need the artists
cus they're running around
gotta remember
the animal in em
the value of living
the ability of human expression
and stunned when they find it
frozen in silence
they go 'god! he's saying what I think'
'expressing my emotions!'
Well i got mine and I'm saying something
my goal is for you to yourself, find your own language
no an artist is not someone
who says 'it's sunday, i'll pip out a painting'
but the rest of the week I'm back to my sleeping
it's a faith every day, expressed every way
from high low to low lofts,
and soaring from rosaries
rotting in wreathes,
illusions, disillusions
with no set exclusion of any expression
talk without question
love without guessing
I don't know what people think of the things that I'm saying
and that's all I gotta swallow
whether people love it or hate it
Many fat men have trapped birds in their cages
and their whistling means nothing
their puffing cigars choking their kingdom of stuffed living things
I guess it's that I'm going to forgo
just gonna wave my hand and watch it implode
get choked up in the smoke of it
let it drift in its own way
Sure I'll make my judgement and stand by it
an artist runs through with a stroke of consistency
and don't hesitate none
at nothing at all
they breath it
viewing life
from where it come from
don't know what others visions are
all the rebounding rebuttals there are
and all the Jehovah's soldiers
or the theories of madness
or better or worseness
or history's pendulum in backwards motion
A lapse of commotion
The dream of a potion
I am saying that's one perception
of a multiplicity commanding of many perceptions
and who's to say it's the right perception
you can use fear to convince them
but not reason to correct them
Perhaps you should try to
masquerade round life in your own soft disguise
it's a fun thing
I'll be the indian, you be swimmer
and never make any assumptions
in the long unfolding sweep of things
it's wise to know nothing
Leaving the city: Karma Cooked in the Desert
Cracked eggs on the car bonnet
red hood smiled
the guile of the feckless and free flying reckless
the freckles of every speck of their action starts to bounce back
they're tough equals drivin'
it's come back to fight em'
the rattle snake lying in the dying ditch garden
with berries and bluebirds and leaves of all kinds n'
hissing and starting to rev up its pissing
it's adam and eve all over the news
got to marry the opposite tunes
Rajput Diner: An Abandoned Landscape at full Motion
The vain Jesters
triangle shape shifters
pushed their plansin pretense
with wax drips down slits
in thought unlocking
of folding swing oceans
pushing its potion
on the red sandy soaked coast
with rocks as the spine bone
it's seeming they're thinking
the moon's got the best way to enchant the wonderers
make them think that there's more than is normal
where symbols are turning
in suns and moons burning
they'll learn in their life time
while shaking and trembling
for answers to take them
through hoops and through hell
back again panting
we explain the actions that explain themselves
but its glazed glass they're eating
with gums that are bleeding
conceding in needy hands that are feeding
the pebbles of sleepy curled treats and sweet treacles
The clowns jack out to die in their suits
Now nothing left but bobbing hats swimming
and slowly sinking smarty dance pants
Funeral of a Clown On the Edge of Town
They crowded round and knew their jokes well,
their songs and tricks and played them settled
near caricatures for the long faced jurors
i know you're convinced of your use kids but you're stale and you bore me
who's man to condemn?
what service do you lend for your own self interest?
back to the bend:
burry him!
to cast off the last glance of maps drawn by pirates
we'll follow the line to that treasure chest island
and spy on it silently
prance on it jokingly
We know better than to feign a fire now don't we?
I Wish I Could Be There, I Bet it'd Be Better
Again, there's only one city where you can wake up feeling like death
punch your way through the day and go to bed having earned a justified rest
but you gotta be quick on your feet
amongst swiped city streets
by cars going full fleet fast forwards to nowhere
like a boxer's first heat
and do everything you set out to do
when you thought 'I ain't taking it'
'I'll get beat down and struck down
I won't think about it too much now
but I'll keep going
and pushing and flowing
and fighting and things'
Diamond tipped toe nail
jewels of the king pin
Pulled up at the Next Station: the Harlequin Found, Shambles of an Act I
The party of ostriches gawk in the book room:
enter the Harlequin
shim shim shouts an atrocity
pointing his nostrils high at the ceiling
scoffing and coughing
cigarettes flung on the carpet
flames are just starting
Spilling the swill of champagne around him
like spittles of diamonds with clinks and clanks chiming
Flaring his hair reflected in shouting
Country cracked rim of the window glass township
entrenched in the crux of irreverence
Here his pretense shoots to set up a fence for him
bound to the glue of his shoe lace
he, non aware, kicks it
shaking in silence he bursts out in violence and slices
any glance
any look
and brings down the house
just around him the drawers of books
fall forth to look
Harlequin Act II: with the Desert Queen
By the drag of the chatter he clambers over the rhine stone thrown out and thrown in
a bone to the rich man's mistress
undressed her with his sensitive fingers
and Guinness pie fencing
The dense rose bush pulsing
in meshes of dressing
Harlequin Act III: A Adroit Grin Sminking of Gin
he invents his own set of conventions
to stir up the sequence in which the defensive, abrasive, evasive coquettes
with their ostrich frayed feathers and Siamese sweat shirts
with thighs stuck together
gold teeth start rapping
heels on the floor click the marble contours
The waiter swings by with his fickle shrimp pies
'more?' he pipes from the sideline
'more!?' who on the floor would face past the fork?
The princess can hardly hear let alone vomit her drugged cocktail swill of defensives
giraffe feet, dragging her heels in her robot dance sequence
(practiced in secret on streets on the weekend)
The kite flying sleep
whips her away
to the the top of the cliff
she faces the sunset
and spits
in a stumbling western
gun fight contention
"I am the inventor!"
was it he?
she's an actor
so it seems.
She's turns to a bull
with buttons and cufflings
and blacksmith rung nose rings
billowing, blowing
rib cage exploding
balls swinging madly
and sadly and gladly
describing insanity
well how does it feel?
the triumph of vanity
and rebounding stand off
duping the gods
spit on the cycle,
he deathly and hiding
move on!
forward or rust
it's so, is it not?
The Harlequin Act IV (out in society: a brief generalization)
A cross between crook heads and crows
battling bowes and shoots of bamboo shifting the side shows
Panda bear punchersbatons and barrets pinching pig tails
and rooks and chipped castles for figs and wig heads
Politicians side glance to court clash collisions,
rowboats clipping the hedges
grandmother's bridges
salad mug dancers
Poets paint visions and court indecision
Here harlequin's spinning his singular dangling finangling fang of a tangling mangling shaman shark tank
He's whooping and swopping the throngs of star strutters, cabled and able ill framed debaters
Described as the muse with silicone lips
Stream line drips
Birthday clippings
Heroine ships!
Cocaine concoctions gone white water rafting
Slaving to build egyptian gold tombs
with thousands of striped heads numbered to sweat
cats fretting to satisfy pharaohs
a dapper afterlife
happily ever after
were the pyramids
just a whoop?
what a hoot.
Great pain is brought on to others to justify the goals of the vain.
The theory ('all theory is grey')
Structures cause ruptures
Believe in the golden trees bursting
The worst things we proffer
prophecies show
that swaying persuasive perverts will go
Salesmen with petty agendas
and fur cats of lazy fiery positions
War lords with hoards of freckles will throw their cards on the table
when they're old and unable to fight future's fables
for medals to own
to graveyards are thrown
bones of the young and idealized goals
The Action ('all action is red' and the leaving of the Harlequin)
Here sweetness in a head dress
caress, the unfolding faces
the temptress with my stiff little fingers
I'll let her know with opened legged pictures
convolutions and tight feckless murmurs on burners
the faster the learner
the letters the turner
who earns it and moans it
down the microphone
with the nails dug to backbones
and groaning in tones of celestial syrup.
The sugar expression of heat in persuasion
Perversion with liquid in dry dampening deserts
The experts would have to check first but by now the door has clicked in
in near to 4months the first buds will spring
Is it then my responsibility to think?
The harlequin squeaks with the quip of his stick
Surely he knows there's more than just money and kicks to his tricks
He unwraps the seal in sureness that all illusion is real.
He peels on his sockets
and lazily rocks his head back
slips on his pocket watch
on to the floor
He bought back the black pearls
from out underworlds
what was it then worth?
with a whip in his hand
the pirate on land
he sets off to find the horizon
define his own borders
on his terms and live by the eyes of the islands
Beatland Vol III
Drawing In the Dark
A hot cinder cigarette cupped the moon and burned out the pin holes
The cricket alone with sharp painter's tones
Hear the breathless, the city streams sweet music in to the ears of the restless
But a magic cloak in diamonds spoke the sparkling spleen to far towns rode
Might rises up and the lipstick frog by the pond paused to kiss the ideas of shadowy stones thrown away in the maze of invention.
We should have promised not to tell
flames of the thousand bells ankled on shackles
felt to cut the bone dry every time
a lie or a life or a loss is dealt with
There are no gates in god's garden
No time in there passing
water for drinking
ships of slurred honey
the money shoots from freed lips eclipsing
whisps to bell stars gone shooting
the moon in its fits flipped from day to night wishes
kept from journeys within and without it
Landing in sinking game splitting hairs of headless sweet devils in winking
On the shoreline sinking sands slip seeds of summers soaked in the beeds of the restless
best kept in jackals gleeful for gasps of tasting magic
plundering thunder
Indian walls on waters wait the slums of tin can gardens
gates blue burst glass to fire faking
blowing smoke on milk of new orleans
everyone's attractive when you're blind
best be that way
Spice turned to time torn
tricks senses sooth the slick licked tongues of friar's inventions
clamoring hands with cufflinks cast off
a hunger pretended
wishing for the chance to rise up the dead
exploding cock dance in tastes like sun summer
Cat mouth of apple
piped crust comes catching the cream caramel
caves of the crutches
everyone mumbling
for hundred years covered
the heated lady jumps in fits of fury and laughter
laughter's important,
for friends or for work
please understand this
Indian Ink
By the ghats
on steps of stone
the moss grows shaking
to die all alone
like every true poet
with fruits of ones nature wrapped around one
shaking and quaking and blessed awakening
come to rest here
with spears to splash fear
to pool's of ignition,
oil coiled collisions
curl to splatter
splashes of goose fat
short smiling children
catching the bolts
of tiger time vaults
now flicking of garbage
waning the varnish
colors now turning
tusks of the sabers
mantle piece urns
hear mantras learning
chanting in smoke
out of the window
day long devotion
sacred songs spoken
songs to be wrote
on marble white stones
patterned and flourished
flowers of curls
shapes under capes
ruins in water
the tones of atlantis
what's here to come passes
Flips of sandals washed in white water
Baby of brahman
wails in the morning
Mountains moved without a use
on the shutters shut by the sleeping
dutch shadow lovers
close to the roots
ivory carvings cut with a tooth
and penny farthings dropped to tell truths
spoken from tales of lost afternoons
slapping and shouting
pounding hands rounded
in to their thousands
Quick cane to run in
Dusk to try loving
Practice of fumbling
two times the fun
swinging of chalice
symbol of malice
swung back for the daily sacrifice
Sun god blocks the busts of men
to enter in the lions den
whale whoops the feet forth
farmers now fingering picking at seeds
Incan earth interned on 12 steps of stone
Parsing sips of scattered seeds grown
the bean stalk to talk in shoots on its own
shot to sun grown
clasped castles crumbling
rattling the sounds
tripping bolts and knots of courtiers and of brave cats
splitting by the shaking shattered and battered
churches fall
buildings fall
restaurants, huts and houses fall
out of which kids crawl
night owl
red glowing
neon lives
and blue boy blushing
bright skin peeled to show the untrue rip histories turning
rubble raising clocks to higher time numbers: 25!
squires standing at the library
bribery ban you bust in their stale mate brace of cuffed clasped gates and tight sipped things
All rivers rouse the godly sands snake sieves sacked simmer shouting chants of thousands of ground pepper pears
peas all gone rotten
eyebrows now brushing
teeth lodged in mud gums
spitting in to
the hands of the loveless
Open court karma came through the dharma
looked around her and flew far from it
stirred in absurd upturned pathways
face in the helmet
bronze shine of gates
the big white breast ghost
to speak the chants to the living souls
some kind of moorish murmur
an illusion! run to
conclusions too soon
In fusion font now river rapids interning, upturning, outrunning
of land minds always moving
Slow strumming
mooing cows of tune
fast cats in shake shaft experiments
whistles of sirens
whip off the night shift
books by the kerosene lightness
a bum in fright holds one
haven't you heard?
knowledge burns
once its learned
Simmering now the after hour of all your excursions
it seemed to show them
the way forth in motion
whatever you rummage through keeps moving by the heresy of tunes
magazine clips cast
strips and hand drawn maps
assuming the worst's the worst way to last
That's your ball
that's your fate you're following
and though I'm not for it
I'll leave no stone unturned
and untied
the line of the mountains
and burp at the rivets of clippings and spit
on the sun dial to stars piled in thousands
the fecund injunction
the puncture of lungs and of functions
at the collision of mind and of time
you'll find that no matter how much fun is had
the mission of movements is your only teacher
in what you are doing
you see the sky turning
the earth itself shearing its passing appearance
the gods seem like suns to the infinitely fecund untarnished land
free forms in fixtures
to absolve the mixture of opposite pictures
forced to flick quicker and quicker and QUICKER!
Begin in the morning till life starts again
peak at the tweak of all senses breathing
with the she and the I and the you and the me
run through all your prescious intentions
dance in the sands of your own inventions
lend all your worthless possessions
play forth and swim forth and wobble not once
in the pursuit of fruits with your hunger to quench them
forget then and make just about as much as you take
and in waking you'll find your fears passed away
Shrieks on the Streets and Picture Pretty Prophecies
In mornings stand to show your hand
shadowed out on even side
To present pursue prayers and pick up
forget trinkets
turn to others
In no way
to no degree
in no indelible and calculated way
am I me, am I the person I seem to be
for if I were
I would not be in the grips of something greater
in movement of the splitting sun disk dial to cover moons at once,
to distinguish between planets spinning from straps strung out to ceilings
Book clock covered, the intentions of the starving
the madly passionate precious knowledge
that no one can ever come close to touching
in refusal
stubbornly clutching
to push forth and endure
to show up the first forth fifth time in fever
and present the meaning
most seriously cleaving
to all kinds of needing
or being the hand print
or clocking the hour
and razor blade showers
the scan finger print man
I can't take it
can't take it
no damn way
I'm gonna take it
or let that come in my way
no general catastrophe
or finger stiff theory
no way
no can do it
no matter how lonely
I can't go that way
where were we when we swung a long slowly
what answers are told to the knowing ones
when they're young
of secrets unknown of?
'from fire below
and wisdom above
the feet going forth
blazing the past'
Island Vol I
there are many things I don't believe in that I would be willing to consent to
The nature of life is illusion
In playing games we consent in playing by actions within the parameters of made up barriers
the rules of throwing games, losing games, winning games, any game
the rules of universities, any institution, the rules by which rules are run
though inside the rules, we're people you know?
we're running around the barriers walled and calling and shouting and pounding the truths out of town.
But it's like this!
We insist.
A Wizard Whispers
You! you fumbling and fretting! yes you!
You, who worries about your project
your prophets
or your precious attachments
to successes and your slipping grip on failure's plaques
you, who goes by day with your mind on fire
can you take the world as it is?
In shadows and colors?
Your Local Philosopher as Beggar
Is it not so that everyone lives so much in their head?
their dreams? their desires?and fixations? their goal to accumulate?
to be this?
or to set a post by which to measure themselves?
to become!
Let this come to dissolution
life becomes an art
more like a dance
whence art is left behind
breathing as an art
giving as an art
not thinking
not wanting
the world as it is
at last!
Why Be an Artist
A divine philosopher
he knows
the divinity of eternal life
invested in every creek
every eye
every act of love
of every person
he sees
the soul struggling
to be free
in every gist of hate
every twist of branch
every burst of cloud
every bend of water
breath of air
the divine philosopher
the divine artist
the divinity of eternal life
invested in every creek
every sound
every fold
every eye
every act of love
of every person
he sees
the soul struggling
to be free
in every gist of hate
every twist of branch
every burst of cloud
every bend of water
every breath of air
His life is a cycle of observation
and expression
what will always be
and what always has been
13 Visible Sailors Drowned in the Mountain Pond
There are no more wars to be won,no more soldiers to be gunned
Though you seem stunned to say it
No more people to shoot them
Buildings to be built,
no more goals to be met
Our struggle is our perception
This, if need be,
need be our only aim in correcting anything
for things are as they are
depending on how we see them
What of your
desire for success?
(but to succeed in being yourself? what an internal effort! if only it was known)
be content with your labor to be lauded or harpooned
either way it is of honest gruff
of strong stuff
the gem
be it precious or in the hands of paupers or princes
remains entirely itself to whomever touches it
or casts it or guards it
rich or poor
saint or whore
our world seems to be unfurling
when we struggle in learning
of opposites turning
in time to tell nothing
our goals and our instincts
discovering each other
The Sultan's Bazaar
The enlightened human being is not somewhere in the hills, not sweating over his work in his study, he is a living, breathing, human being
as good as you and me and anyone who came before us
no matter how hard it is to get your head around
the active one
always treading
always walking the path of not planning
in thought
in word
and in action:
in behavior!
in practice!
The Widow in Waiting
You become
to overcome
your effort to release
your only priest
and your teacher what you suffered
you were all things true and all things lied to
you drank the dirt water, unclear and unconscious
to silver streams sipped the calm and the laughing
you first had to vomit all thoughts serene
and lofty ideals
till you sputtered to speak:
'I thought I knew'
but you know nothing
so to opposites clutching you stand in truth questioning
between white and black your two fragile hands
in faith resigned
to time in the sand glass
From the flare of the furnace
To a sundown shot star.
Not to try harder
To live your life longer
The linger of singers in caravan ditches
Do you think the sonars of wales weigh in scales from better to worse
Pop charts for bird songs?
Don't lick lips in veils to plunder beauty turned to bitter kissed soil?
Don't I watch the camp fire slowly?
I try not to hold flames
to let them unfold
he burning is learning
upwards rolling
from frozen matter to potential cackles and crimson laughter
Though alive and wet to no match
see the strangest tree sprouting its leaves
to one spark set the flames in flesh,
unleashing what we'll never see
Things thought dead instead
An unprepared bottle tips
all lucidity and life as reality
a potential to spill
here no description is needed
no civilization can keep it from speaking itself
from the shining shelves to the shacks
mistakes in the quake
unresolved thoughts
watch drops of rain in the tub of mud bubbles pop
Though wonder's the waking of all vision breaking
this wonder's for taking
The loss for which waiting
till death says it his way
We with body's bars
To hide the revealed change
Though the widow speaks:
the change is the thing itself.
In one I see the primal short strung urge to burst in secret suns.
the widow awaking
beyond all fate
Island Vol II
The Secret Garden
and in turn, to tree tops
wood seen
dew drops
Russian dancing
emerald leaves
run rustles clean
and coming now clear
clasped to hand spears
to understand water
wand fresh flashes smaller
for roots
stump the stale mate
fastens daily's charm
to night's false alarm
to pursuit
and begged wishes
what is
what isn't
and even then
the expression
of which
a lie to tell someone
to pry prisoned secrets
keeping with inbuilt
clockwork to click off
in sink sounds start thinking
matter makes shadows
in flights of a flicker
cloaks of coaxed mirrors
encroached in coaches
in caverns and focus
through river's motions
or fire striped strokes
now no number marks the man of his word
no name, nor no title, nor time, nor no place,
incensed in sermons
asleep in the ocean
of dreams unspoken
on dart like feet
step on stones
of clarity
what to then?
To untangle yourself?
to strip the clips that cling to your cells?
to take apart your towers of thought?
In stubborn stance to stride with hands of fifty five heads
and change the form of things known as dead?
Was it that truth was found at either extreme?
Both at the top or the bottom?
Is truth a possession or an acquisition of knowledge?
or is truth a question of action?
If it is a question of action:
does the action have a starting point or an ending point or does it never cease?
is truth the summation
the alchemical result of willing one thing?
The reward of a life time of consistency?
is truth illogical?
or is truth the mother of all thought?
Perhaps the force that moves behind rocks
of all our equations
and fascinations
within every taste and tip it's unfiltered
to what people call sacrilegious
to call things as others
under white covers
though everything is invested with the same message
we divide our questions and cling to possessions
What care of the war?
On one end the farce of idealists pouring in and tripe teeth torn for some illusory purpose
on the other: the strong standing virtuous defenders of love, life and liberty
and running through the centre the irreverent dreams
of rare music waves, the jests and drunk knights with breast copper plates the free love felt gloves on the thighs of performers in sun dance enchanted in other roads scattered for kicks and quick licks neither flying nor standing.
so it seems
like heaven and hell are fuming again
Five first fandangos and tangos on mangos
Shake hands in sequence
break dance on beaks of the birds who start speaking
All the world's literature and abhorrence
I'm in no need of peering through painter's performances
or wearing the lion king head dress for posh parties in hooga boogie clubs
and get in to my white pants and strut my stuff
No need to sing others songs or twirl on the needle of morals enwrapped by the blabber of priests who tell me the word
sun clucked in some one to know the messenger air heeled frisks of free one way in never too blue oceans awaken the coast
in the making of mama mocked magic frocks
frisked in the sequence mantlepiece learning
clinging fill to flush and let go in snowing
sticking to settings
Parse between the pavement and the king's exhibition of poets and pots, pristine purged pilgrimages
pre planned in pursuit of an epiphany of possibilities
on two streamed strokes the natural grace of water's flow.
No ancient man could remain instilled
un enchanted by the dance of the dips and turns
some so with the playful learning
handed down from the bright dawn
till the darkness
in observation shadows flicker fine faces on the wall
no fool ever caught a shadow
possessed or justified a shout
an expression
worst off
a confusion
to be in possession of images
never to look back to capture
to hold on to drops
or to hug or to stop.
Pure creativity is a destructive process. It's a circular progress.
In competing with others your standard is dependent on human faults, in competing with nature your standard is always infinite, always unfolding
Nature is what you perceive and no one else perceives or will ever perceive from your perspective in your point in time, this is what it means to own the world in the palm of your hand-the totality of what you can relate with is limited to your immediate senses. The ability to imagine is to play with illusion through languages, stories, images.
but the ability to work from your senses is to play with reality.
But the ability to be honest with your senses is to play with god.
I believe the only way to know is to act and to act is to know how to believe.
The master of illusion should be the master of disillusionment
Saying something is 'like' another thing does not make it what it is
People are what they love, and take on the form of their possessions, obsessions and decisions. That's why the best have no place and no time and no race, they're always everywhere all at once.
Success is just a river, just a faster one, the illusion always racing, but many wise men dip in to the slow rivers and laugh at the world gone pacing
We're freer alone but happier together. The choice is between fighting illusions and fighting ourselves. And then there's always the choice of moving and forever forgetting and making and swinging and weaving in free form.
Chew on bitterness.
In the times where anything feels possible is the time to focus the most.
No matter how big the muscle, or how big the brain, no matter how healthy all the matter is it's the life in the eyes that count
Everybody is ultimately a caricature of themselves
If you have lost the ability to enjoy the swings in the playground of life, you have forgotten what it means to let go
All children are artists, but not all artists are children
In anticipation to be wasted, one is already wasted
You may have found the truth,
but if you are disillusioned by it
you have not seen through it
The key to delivery is understating with confidence, wild confidence
A day well spent is one where you do more than you thought you were capable of
Ineach generation, the most rebellious people in society are perhaps those who are strictest with themselves
what makes me a good artist does not make me a good human being and what makes me a good human being does not make me a good father
and what makes me a good father does not make me a good economist, nor a good cook,
what makes me a good friend does not make me a good preacher,
a good painter does not make me a good musician
everything worth anything in requires the flame to set it
to burn in its own color and consume itself in the making.
The deeper your roots, the higher the tree
on high trees the kids crawl, some may fall, fingers fetching peaches and kittens fangled with fear, but the shade passes over it and sometimes the light bursts,
and seasons follow leaves falling to spring forth in rebirth, and trees burn and roots refind themselves on other turf.
when we have no words to describe life, life describes itself.
when you tilt heavy stones, with tools, like a leaver, would you believe that the weight upturned was by way of the person pushing the bolder or the tool that upturned it?
I don't think god wants to take care of the problems we invent for him
you gotta be brave to face the music
There is no greater human talent than being able to partake in other people's joy
He was a struggling artist, until he stopped struggling, then he became one with one
How you carry yourself is how life will carry you
What's fame in he arts?
a kid sits drawing in the playground
in his own world
after, other kids get bored with their games
and hair pulling
they come get curious about what he's doing
that's all it is
The purpose is not to see the glass as half full
or half empty
but to see through the glass
any kitten with a vision
has got to be brave enough to face adversity
no matter how large
how fat
or how charged
for he has faith in all things still
and the wavering temptations of things bad or good
do not stir the upwards path of the perfect and steady
ready persistence
even at times being on the odd side of others
on the flip side of family and brothers
you can't find strength in numbers
you can get buried by the pennies
and thousands
more things bring you more weight
than needed
To painters:
if you want to draw a line,
you must first see it in your mind's eye, do not look at the tools around you and use them just because you can, the truth of action comes from the mind first
and then we look around and see 'how', but really, the organization ofaction in life and life itself must come from the mind
one must see with ones eyes closed.
action is inevitable
but how you act is in your control
As all things come
they come to pass
except for the innate
spirit of things
Life can be the greatest film of all if you know how to direct it
You can be an artist
farthest from all you want
but if you don't act on what you're saying outside of your work
what does your work matter?
If you're a pirate
you fly your own flag
Artists have to live apart from their times
in their own world
where the clock only
honesty and dishonesty
What good is it possessing the physical relics of goodness?
carry the chopped wood of the cross?
jesus and the cult of celebrity
what we see in others
should be much more
than the cloth on their back
the starving artist is merely one who is hungry for life
true art is an expression of life as it is
bad art is an imitation of life as it seems
'everything else seemed like a painting, but this alone, like truth'
the root of life as a human being is not to simply to seek dependence or comfort
work (distraction)
and shelter (dependence)
it is to find freedom
with all its reigns and cleavers, and complicated by roads, and to keep going
and to harness it
and master it and remake and remold it every day at every time
a wise man does not bow to a lion to be eaten
he knows his right to life
the artist weaves his little patch work in to a greater patch work quilt of time immemorial
that people wear
to dream
every day
what better thing than to make a creation so tight so to not let time in
the warrior and the sage of outer life must also be the warrior of the sage of the inner life
our perception is the root of all our problems and in turn of all of our solutions
time is a circular trap in which man decides between love and hate
The origination of all things we build in life are from the mind as it is, walls are really a matter of the mind
The only real crises worth facing is that of faith
and what better place to practice and overcome this than with oneself
let all the grandmothers dance.
I hate to see anyone resign to death
death in words spoken
death in actions
death in possession
death in conviction
take it on yourself to live a little
and do it artfully
The bedrock of life is in the diamonds buried deep in to the blackest cliff faces
and people lament 'it is so dark!'
utterly oblivious to what wonders lie waiting!
clarify your position.
and then stick to it.
nothing is worth thinking about that can't be acted out
an unwise man has an explanation for everything other than that which is inexplicable
Every man has the ability to be insane, it is merely a question of what they suppress
the bridge between sanity and insanity flows over the river of life
if you see a picture of a musician you be seeing a picture of the music
for what is the musician but the music?
'to season one's destiny with the dust of one's follies-this is the trick'
good music invents its own language and rules, presents them, then deviates from them. the boarders are always connected and eroding and corroding, anyone who's been near the river long enough sees the way of these things. Rivers define their own boarders, and push back when it needs to and goes which ever way it wants.
The intellectualization of music is the murder of the muses
for to get hold of the tail of amuse
you must walk in wisdom
and wisdom receives life without question
while intellectualization strangles it with questioning
Rock and roll is a philosophy of musical action
reared out of spiritualism
and it allows emotion to command
we know tale tellers and Tolstoy
though they allowed the intellect to talk with its silver tongue
they had rock and roll minds
As far as I've ever been concerned-the word music is equatable with the word 'life', and if you can't experience the magic of music, you can't experience the magic of life
one thing in life is certain:
one is always younger getting older
but that is just the mirage of the body
not to get caught up in
music is not apart from any human activity
just as the cook feeds the musician
so should the musician feed the cook
If a man is too sober and cerebral, too thoughtful and reserved
get him drunk
balancing himself between the excesses
You must at the end of your life
knowing you did all you could as someone who tried to love
not say: i could have loved more
we need a home.
we need to be strong to make our own
No i don't want to grow old,
lest I forget to see,
and though i may be robbed of sight
it's vision I speak of
the worst thing to do is not to finish what you start
that is what freedom is
the perseverance though a self determined path
'everybody wants to understand art, why don't they try to understand the song of
a bird?'
Things are spiritual by way of how they make you feel
when we accuse and anger
ourselves at groups of people
we speak in action under the veil of words
and in truth
merely the babble of anger is heard in the heavens
not at who
not why
none matters
for multi linking sources
come through the mouth of a pauper
history is not in the hands of the past
it's the story of humanity
and we tell it by the way we live
every day
and we tell it how we like
whether we stand, bow, repeat anger's thoughts
or move forward
intelligence is not the understanding of walls but breaking through them
The world we live in is made of representations
never changing its essence
only its skin
and it is the roll of the artist
to make sure the essence is apparent on the skin of every new generation
museums are where the truth goes to grow old and crinkly
it goes there to retire and get old and die
where there's sweat, there you'll find it in the making
and see it in its inception
The only reason why man should read is to unravel the mind
not to entangle it
The spirit you put in to life
is the spirit you get back from it
what use is seeking a good balance of mindfulness and madness
why not not choose complete madness
or complete mindfulness
for from complete madness you'll never attain mindfulness
and from complete mindfulness you'll never want madness
What has merely passed away is without destiny
even before it has passed
If you seek the truth, don't be afraid of the institutions that claim to posses it.
Say true music is religion but that doesn't mean the means to make music, or the people that facilitate the production of music, or who circulate it are truthful. Though you may think someone spoke the truth it does not mean the deification or that person is the truth. for the truth was there prior to the person.
water must be contained in a form to use it
so it is with truth and people
I think the purpose of life is to travel far without drifting from the centre
Don't let other people's myths overshadow yours
Don't criticize unless you can offer a solution
to create to compete is to foster defeat
discipline is submission, self discipline is freedom
the more you search the harder it is to find
just because someone asks a bad question doesn't mean you should give a badanswer
every day you've got what you take, absorb from the world, then what you produce, what you give
it is true of anyone that they should be creating the free road ahead of them and not the walls around them
fear of death is a fear of life
death is as inevitable as life is now
in every second you breathe
life is inevitable.
life and death are different sides of the same coin
one can only die by negating natural life
affirm impulses while living
Being an artist means being able to convey an irrational truth
in an intuitively understandable form
an artist has to run towards that which most people run from
Heaven and hell exist on earth, there are hellish people and heavenly people.
Mix that with free will and you can go either way with no one telling you which way to go.
So you have to decide,
best feel the way blindly
and think the way blindly
and move forwards dancing upwards instead of downwards
and there are just as many ways to go up as there are to go down
and each one from its own angle and geographical position
age and experience.
As a skipper on a schooner it's important to remember your sailors don't care about what you can't do but what you can do
A plucked parrot said from the zoo once told me: 'travel to explore not to escape'
you don't make yourself a better person by what you own, you become better by what you do.One must be severe and discipline oneself to have an honest sharp mind. the mind is the root of all action
never cower away from that which you esteem as imperfect
something can be learned from everything
you can have it the wrong way round and live in your sleep and sleep in your life
one day i'm going to compensate having short hair by having a long beard
what you surround yourself with, what you read, what you listen to, what you eat, what you do every day becomes who you are. If you don't like it cast it off and start again.
The key to living life is its approach
listen only to your impulses as a measure of rationality
never listen to what you should do.
rationality includes a weighing of emotional impulse
anything that gives you rosy cheeks is good for you
Island Vol III
If you accept illusion you must accept chaos
it's possible you know nothing of neither
you know nothing of the human songs
or the human paintings
of cuts, rifts and shapes
the ones that flow forth as true as anything
the many sided faces
you give faith to chance and flip the coin
only landing on one side though
others facing forth to flip the way
Flippantly you call it fate
I feel to sing the songs, show your face
your forced to feign and frame the fake
inside withstanding
but you're conscious of the game pretending
you're conscious of the tricks you're welding
My acquisition and persistence
seeks to be honest
and when I swerve the bashing banging clang of past masters
come to get me,
though I never had any fences, nor no one to tell me how to act
nor professors to correct my stanzas
I've fallen in traps, many a time
I've stared death straight in the face
not I,
but chaos set me in place
and out of every wall voices from far past a thousand years old
came to call
To reconfirm faith found
you ask me
Are you an artist?
you'rea joker?
a maker?
you're a player of tricks?
and illusions and things?
you fabricate fake things?
I draw a line in the sand
and step over
and let go of all points hung on every hand
you think I'm joking?
I'm not hiding my face
the thoughts of the graceful
because no saint is graceful,
not knowingly, lazarus was a beggar saint, with rips and meat cutlet gravy dripped down his rags with dogs barking and tagging and licking his ankles for bones in the waiting: 'don't worry' he'd tell them, 'I know where we're going'
I'll shout every trace and describe every thought that comes by my way
though birds can do better
Anyone who's conscious of who he is
doesn't really know anything at all
or conscious of who he wants to be
doesn't really know anything at all
I'll craft, or I'll tell you I'll do anything
to make the truth seem like a dance
when I offer my hand
you'll feel its not mine
I don't need eyes to hear the sounds of a mad pianist of three hundred years ago
pound every note unfaltering
I don't care for who they thought it was for
because everybody really knows every word uttered
every note sputtered or spilled out the frill velvet hands
and everything ever come in to being
was made for you and me
and not for the dukes or the damsels in castles
Were all these things self evident?
I am forever finding ways to speak of things unsaid, unbaked in cakes of invention
and I'll be the first to break my own rules
a thousand times over
that is the way of water
No matter what people do in life
whatever specialization they choose
judge them not on what they try to prove
but on what they do
for you, for their brothers, for one another
for those they'll never discover
An old story tells of banquets thrown on
and heaven
However the table had been set by a mysterious giant with enormous utensils
on earth people had no idea what to do: how to pick up the spoons and forks and feed them selves, for they were so large. They simply looked in bewilderment at the delicious fruits and knew not what to do, they prayed for an answer but didn't figure anything out.
In hell the people were adamant on feeding themselves, which was impossible for the size of the utensils, but vainly persisted in trying, and so the food began to rot over time and they became weak and starved to death.
In heaven people figured out a solution, and across the table from each other, they realised, though they could not feed themselves, they could feed each other, so they did so with the long utensils and everyone was fed the food from the table.
all the truth
all the lies
all the dreams and nightmares
all come back to belgium.